LE LORRAIN proposes two main groups of heating torches : oxyacetylene torches and oxypropane torches. LE LORRAIN also proposes an oxytetrene heating torch.
Oxyacetylene heating torches
The oxyacetylene torches S0, S1 and S2 may be adapted for heating by fitting multidard heating nozzles..
For torch S0 :
select nozzle ref. 013 202 (400 l/h)
Dessin réf. 013 202
For torch S1 :
select nozzle ref. 014 401 (1000 l/h)
Dessin réf. 014 401
For torch S2 :
choose from three power ratings:
multidard nozzle ref. 015 531 (3000 L/H)
multidard nozzle ref. 015 532 (3500 L/H)
multidard nozzle ref. 015 530 (4000 L/H)
Dessin réf. 015 531
But also:
For high heating capacity oxyacetylene torches, refer to our « “special materials” section »
Oxypropane or OX/LPG heating torches
The oxypropane (or OX/LPG) heating torches produce a heating capacity from 120 g/h to 10 kg/h depending on the model.